What I think this saying means is that everything is white,
and your brain is the paint. You can have a good attitude and paint it
colorful, with cheerful colors. That means that you want to be happy, On the
other hand, you can paint it with gloomy
colors, like black and brown. With those colors, you might be sad, angry,
depressed. Your mind can do a lot of powerful things, but your attitude can
stop it from doing so, or empower it to do so.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Student Success Statement
"Attitude is the mind's paintbrush It can color any situation." -Anonymous
Attitude is when you think on a person or thing based on their behavior.
A good attitude would be when a student always looks forward to things he will be doing at school.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Salary: Around $270,000 a year.
Educational requirements: Students interested in this
field of study must take extra science classes, English classes, and math
classes. They must then take a 4 year program on being a dental lab Technician.
After that they can learn more at different programs in order to become a
periodontist. Some may learn while working and others might take accelerated
courses at top colleges or universities.
Reflection: If I did not want to be a surgeon i would
like to be one because they make a lot of money and it is somewhat in the same
field of study as a surgeon. I feel like this is a good job to take because
there isn't really a lot of pressure and even if you fail it's not as bad as
seeing someone die because of your lack of skills.
Monday, April 28, 2014
What does honor mean, what is honor:
Honor is recognition of selflessness.
Honor is high respect, a privilege.
Dishonor is shame and disgrace.
Synonyms for honor:
Honor is recognition of selflessness.
Honor is high respect, a privilege.
Dishonor is shame and disgrace.
Synonyms for honor:
- Integrity
- Righteousness
- Decency
- Disgrace
- Shame
- Humiliation
Student Success Stratement
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." -A proverb
What I think this quote is trying to say is that the people that are around could majorly influence you. For example if you hang around with people that study and do their work you will be more likely to be successful in life. But if you choose to be around the people that do drugs you will most likely be a criminal when you grow up.
What I think this quote is trying to say is that the people that are around could majorly influence you. For example if you hang around with people that study and do their work you will be more likely to be successful in life. But if you choose to be around the people that do drugs you will most likely be a criminal when you grow up.
Dental Technician
Dental Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
Dental Technicians follow work orders and prescriptions,
decide which materials will be needed, and shape fabric or material, repair
appliances that may be cracked or damaged, and so much more. There are people
that focus on a single duty when doing their job. They mostly work with
dentists and have little to no contact with the patient. Also, they make
prosthetics for the patients.
Salary: 36,100
Educational requirements:
For someone to become a dental technician a high school
diploma is required. The diploma is a minimum and most technicians have them.
There isn't an education program that has formal education in this field. Some
classes t6hat are encouraged are courses in science, math, computer programming
and art.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Student Success Statement
"You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you." -Jim Rohn
What I think this statement is trying to say is that no one else is going to do your work for you because it will not count for you. For example if you need to get fit for a sport you can't ask someone else to exercise for you because nothing good will be done for you.
What I think this statement is trying to say is that no one else is going to do your work for you because it will not count for you. For example if you need to get fit for a sport you can't ask someone else to exercise for you because nothing good will be done for you.
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgeon
Ear, Nose
and Throat (ENT) Surgeon
Duties and Responsibilities:
They study the ear, nose and throat and their
conditions/illnesses. They may also be refereed to Otolaryngology-Head surgeon.
It is the oldest medical specialty in the United States, where nearly 50% of
all office visits pertain to the ear, nose and, throat. Their nicknames are
ENT's and they often treat ear infections on children, who may need surgery.
Salary: $205,000 per year
Educational Requirements:
They must complete at least 5 years of surgical residency
training. This is also composed of 1 year of general surgery, or 4 years of Otolaryngology.
In Canada they must complete a 5 year residency training program after medical
school. Students should emphasize science and English classes the most.
No I would not like to be one, I want to be a more
specialize surgeon, not just a ear, nose, and throat surgeon. I also want to
make more money than this, I feel like it is worth it to be stuck in school a
little more so you can be better.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Abraham Lincoln's promise
This video was about Abraham Lincoln and a Colonel. They walked together for some time and the Colonel asked him if he wanted to take a drink of whisky and Abraham Lincoln denied his request because he had never drank whisky in his entire life. After some time had past the Colonel asked Abraham Lincoln if he wanted to smoke and Abraham revealed his story about his mother's lasts words. Abraham Lincoln's mother had asked him to never drink or smoke in his entire life, before she had past away. Still to that day Abraham Lincoln had still kept his promise with his mother. What this video has taught me was that keeping a promise is very important.
Student Success Statement
"Man's rise or fall, success or failure, happiness or unhappiness depends on his attitude....a man's attitude will create the situation he imagines." - James Allen
I think that what James Allen is trying to say is that
however you imagine the situation, which is what the outcome will be. For
example, if you are always pessimist, at the end, everything will go wrong, and
no one will enjoy it. On the other hand if you are always an optimist, you will
find that the outcomes will always come out like you imagined them to be, happy
and joyous. It all depends on how you deal with things.
Clinical Manager
Clinical Manager
Duties and Responsibilities:
They focus on managing entire facilities or specialize in
managing a specific clinical area or departments. Medical and health services
must be able to adapt to any new situations.
Average Salary: $88,580
Educational Requirements
Most medical managers
need at least a bachelor’s degree in the field of medicine, but masters degrees
are also common in the job as well. Other requirements vary by the place
Do you think you would like to be one?
I don't think I would like to be one because I am not the
type to like organizing things, I also feel pressured having to organize a
whole facility. I feel like this is a job for people who spend time organizing
every little thing in their lives and are used to it.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
student success statement
"Kindness is the essence of greatness." Joseph B. Wirthlin
This statement is trying to say that you are truly great when you are kind. The key to being great is being kind. For example, if you a someone are competing for a prize, and you win the prize and you the person bummed out for losing you should give them the prize.
This statement is trying to say that you are truly great when you are kind. The key to being great is being kind. For example, if you a someone are competing for a prize, and you win the prize and you the person bummed out for losing you should give them the prize.
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